Darul Arqam Educational Trust

14 Sha'ban 1446

Start Time:
Jamaat Time:

5:30 am
5:33 am
12:19 pm
12:22 pm
3:21 pm
3:24 pm
5:13 pm
5:16 pm
7:02 pm
7:05 pm

Children’s Tajweed and Qur’an Recitation


Days: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
Time: 10am-11:30am
Price: £40 per month
Location: Darul Arqam Educational Trust, 16 Thurmaston Lane, Leicester, LE5 0TE
Entry Requirements: Able to recite Qur’an fluently (Hafs and Warsh recitation)
Age: 6 years + (girls and boys)
Tutor: Ustadh Nabil

Strengthen Your Children’s Tajweed and Qur’an Recitation!

“Those to whom we have given the book recite it with its true recital; they are those who believe ( al-Quran : 2:121 )”

Memorise the Qur’an according to the Hafs Qira’ah using strategies and methods of how to memorise the selected Surah’s of the Quran including:

  • Tajweed
  • The rules of Tajweed including applying the basic Makarij (points of articulation)
  • Sifat (manner in articulating the letters) when reading the Holy Quran.

Also Including:

  • Etiquettes for the student studying the Quran.
  • An explanation of the makarij and sifat of each letter.
  • Reading and applying the rules learnt from the ‘Noorani Qaida’.
  • Reading important surahs such as al-Fatiha and other short surahs that one reads daily with consistent application of the rules of Tajweed.
  • Memorisation of Surahs Such as Yaseen, Rahman, Waqiah and other central Surahs to the Quran .

How do I register for this course?

Click “Add to Cart” to complete checkout and enrol onto this course. We will confirm your booking once enrolment is complete.

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