Darul Arqam Educational Trust

14 Sha'ban 1446

Start Time:
Jamaat Time:

5:30 am
5:33 am
12:19 pm
12:22 pm
3:21 pm
3:24 pm
5:13 pm
5:16 pm
7:02 pm
7:05 pm

Darul Arqam's Madrassah

In the heart of Leicester Darul Arqam’s Madrassah has been established for over 10 years, catering for children from age 3 through to young adults! Due to popular demand, the Madrassah has recently been expanded in 2024, with some classes taking place in our neighbouring building The Hidayah Hub, a short 5 minute walk away from the main Madrassah and Masjid. Darul Arqam’s Madrassah community is continuously thriving and upholds an excellent standard of Islamic education to imbed the love for knowledge of Islam into the hearts of your children!

Darul Arqam Madrassah Nursery Poster

Darul Arqam’s Mini Miracles Nursery instills the love of Islam into the hearts of young children and prepares them for Islamic Education for a seamless transition into the Madrassah. Activities your children will love include:

  • Learning about Islam through play.
  • Reading the Arabic Alphabet.
  • Gaining familiarity with pronunciation of Arabic letters.
  • Introductory duas.
  • Introductory Surah’s.
  • Islamic themed arts and crafts.
  • Stories from The Qur’an.
  • Stories of The Prophets ﷺ.
Complete the registration form below to enrol today (details below)

Darul Arqam’s Madrassah instills a love for The Qur’an and Sunnah into your children’s hearts through interactive learning! The Islamic Studies Madrassah emphasises self reformation and seeking, to gain praiseworthy characteristics of The Prophet ﷺ. Subjects include:

  • History of The Prophet’s عليه السلام continuing to the end of The Rightly Guided Caliph’s رضي الله عنه.
  • Islamic beliefs are taught in a gentle and interactive way.
  • Good manners and morals (Akhlaaq).
  • How to perform bodily aspects of worship (Fiqh).
  • Core daily duas.
  • Recitation of litanies from the Prophetic Sunnah and reciting salutations upon The Prophet ﷺ.
  • Opportunities to get involved with charity events.

Complete the registration form below to enrol today (details below)

Start your child’s day with the blessings of Allah and earn His favour! Darul Arqam’s Morning Madrassah follows the same curriculum as the main Madrassah – Subjects include:

  • History of The Prophet’s عليه السلام continuing to the end of The Rightly Guided Caliph’s رضي الله عنه.
  • Islamic beliefs are taught in a gentle and interactive way.
  • Good manners and morals (Akhlaaq).
  • How to perform bodily aspects of worship (Fiqh).
  • Core daily duas.
  • Recitation of litanies from the Prophetic Sunnah and reciting salutations upon The Prophet ﷺ.
  • Opportunities to get involved with charity events.

Complete the registration form below to enrol today (details below)

Guide the young generation to navigate life imbued with a love for Islam, in a culture void of spirituality. Darul Arqam’s Youth Alimiyyah Programme uses a combination of traditional knowledge and practical application to issues in modern life. This empowers students to be equipped with essential life skills and to strive for Prophetic Character. Subjects include:

  • Classical Sciences – Qur’an, Tafseer, Hadith Sciences, Fiqh Studies, Aqeedah, Seerah and Spirituality.
  • Contemporary topics – Contemporary Fiqh and Aqeedah along with contextualised Seerah and Spirituality.
  • Prophetic life skills – Mentoring and leadership, archery, character building adventures, public speaking, self defence and respect for nature.

Complete the registration form below to enrol today (details below)

Core Curriculum Breakdown

An overview of the curriculum from age 3.5-17. Children can join the Madrassah, whatever age they are. An assessment will be carried out to help decide which class to place them in.

Mini Miracles Nursery

Age 3.5-4.5

Learn through play! Introduction to duas, Surah’s. Bespoke Darul Arqam Syllabus.

Building on existing knowledge. Student’s learn Qaidah and begin reading The Qur’an. Introduction to Salah.

Foundation Year 1

Age 4-5

Foundation Year 2

Age 5-6

Continuation of Qur’an reading and building on remaining duas. Knowledge of Salah is increased.

Completion if Qaidah and Qur’an, Tajweed, Special Daily Duas and Advanced Surah’s. An Nasihah course books and workbooks (advanced Fiqh, Akhlaaq, Adaab, Seerah and Tarik).

Advanced Curriculum

Age 7-13

An Enriched Islamic Curriculum

At Darul Arqam we believe in enriching the education of children through extra-curricular activities. Madrassah students therefore gain exclusive access to closed events such as public speaking masterclasses, visits from Social Media Influencers (teaching them how to navigate the internet safely and for the purpose of Dawah), hiking excursions and martial arts classes! We keep these activities fluid so that depending on the challenges and demands facing the youth, children gain a tailor made bespoke education suited to their needs. This strengthens them to navigate modern life imbued with traditional Islam. See below for a summary of extra curricular activities we have recently provided, exclusive to Madrassah students:

Parent Testimonials:

My kids have an incredible joyful Madrassah class and run to be at collection time beaming about their lesson! They tell me daily how wonderful their class is and jump out of bed at 6am ready to come. I am so happy with this Alhamdulillah!
Morning Madrassah

Are You Ready to Enrol Your Children?

Please complete the form below in order to register an application for your child. All new applicants will thereafter be assessed in order to allocate which class is best suited for them (it may not be according to age, but rather previous knowledge and Madrassah experience). At present, no payment is necessary until the application has been approved. Please complete the registration form below and await for our team to contact you regarding the next steps. All information provided for registration is thereafter stored securely and confidentially.

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