Darul Arqam Educational Trust

13 Sha'ban 1446

Start Time:
Jamaat Time:

5:30 am
5:33 am
12:19 pm
12:22 pm
3:21 pm
3:24 pm
5:13 pm
5:16 pm
7:02 pm
7:05 pm

Hidayah Hub

We’re thrilled to announce that the Hidayah Hub is almost ready to welcome you! With only a few months left until the grand opening, the final renovations and touches are well underway. 

What to Expect:

  • Final Touches: The hub is in its final stages of preparation, ensuring a welcoming and functional space for all. It will also include things such as a cafe, two dark kitchens, a big community hall which will also be available for hire along with a fully renovated garden where you can enjoy nature and participate in several outdoor activities.
  • Active Learning Space: The second floor has been renovated, with classes and courses currently underway. Madrassah classes, sisters coffee mornings, Dhikr gatherings and sisters takeovers are already taking place. Whether you’re looking to learn a new skill, meet new people, or simply have fun, there’s something for everyone!


£194,840 remains to make the Hidayah Hub debt free and pay off the qardh (interest free loan). Help the Hidayah Hub by donating today!

Get Involved

A small amount of your time makes a big difference to your local Mosque. Help us to serve our community by donating a portion of your time along with our friendly volunteer network.

July 2024 Update

Alhamdulillah, by the Grace of Allah, we have paid off the building. All that remains is the refurbishment of the downstairs and our garden space. All that remains is the qaradh (interest free loan) payment of £190,840.

We would like to thank our community both local and further afield for their generosity, supplications (du’a) and striving to pass the message.  We beseech Allah to reward every single person who has had a hand to play towards this centre for guidance and implore Allah to accept us in His Mercy and all whom we love and be recipients of the merciful glance of the Prophet ﷺ.

Stay tuned for more updates and the official opening date. We look forward to welcoming you to our new community hub and its wonderful facilities!

Segregated Facilities

Separate entrances for sisters and brothers. Seperate wudu facilities and event spaces.


New Madrassah Spaces

As Darul Arwqam’s Madrassah extension, we are educating 200 more children per year!

Event Space

Event hall for hire for weddings, sports activities and more!

A space to accommodate community needs.

How Hidayah Hub Began...

Phase 1

 Jan 2022

Demolition began and stripping back property to prepare for refurb.

Phase 2


Refurbishment upper level began.

Phase 3

January 2024

Refurbished upper levels completed.

Phase 4


Refurbishment of ground level began.

Phase 5


Refurbishment of ground level to be complete.

Ways to Donate

You can support the Hidayah Hub in a number of Ways. We accept cash donations which can be made at Darul Arqam Educational Trust, 16 Thurmaston Lane, Leicester, LE5 0TE. You can also pledge or fundraise to donate your pledged amount at a later date! alternatively you can donate cash now!

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