Everyone is welcome in Darul Arqam!
Darul Arqam Educational Trust was established in 1998 in order to provide crucial services for the Muslim community of Leicester. Although Leicester has a stronghold of Mosques, very few were accommodating women’s facilities or providing a family-friendly environment. Realising the importance of empowering each member of the Muslim household in Islam and the importance of them to form a holistic connection to their faith through educational and spiritual activities, Darul Arqam opened our doors to all! We remain as a vibrant, youth friendly and family focused centre of Islamic spiritual activities and education to this day our community spans around the globe, from our Hub in Humberstone, the heart of Leicester!

Our Activites

Family friendly facilities are open 7 days a week for 5 daily prayers. Women’s facilities are accessed on the upper floor from the rear entrance to the Mosque.

Children's Madrassah
Darul Arqam’s Madrassah accommodates over 200 children 5 days a week for Islamic Study!

Adult Islamic Studies
Our courses are held in person and online for brothers and sisters to take benefit and find community gorudned in Islamic Education.

Family friendly Islamic retreats take place nationally and internationally. Discover a travelling community!
Darul Arqam's Mission
We provide a non-judgemental and welcoming family environment which is open to men, women and youth. We strive to service the under serviced by providing services which are highly under-catered for in Leicester and ensure that education and spirituality is accessible for everyone!

Meet The Darul Arqam Team!
Shaykh Muhammed Zaqir
Founder and Director
Ustadah Munira
Leader of Sister's Programmes and Teacher
Shaykh Wael al-Hanbali
International Instructor
Sheikh Suleiman
Calligraphy Instuctor
Ustadh Nabil
Imam and Teacher
Shaykh Muhammad al-Kassar
International Instructor
Shaykh Amin Buxton
Hafiz Mohammed Shaikh
Hafiz Abdullah Wasim
Imam and Teacher
Darul Arqam prioritises delivering a standard of Traditional Islamic Excellence whilst seeking to be the heart of the community for students and non-students alike. Our instructors therefore feature a collection of Scholars who have studied internationally and locally with majority taking knowledge from the Blessed Lands of Al-Shaam! Our teachers and Imams are qualified in multiple Madhabs to facilitate students and worshippers from a wide range of backgrounds in their worship and studies. We also have a standard of ensuring that our instructors are accessible for students in order to seek guidance along their journey and to ensure you are connected with the heart of the community – the House of Allah.