Darul Arqam Educational Trust

14 Sha'ban 1446

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Your Free Islamic Will’s Planner

Tomorrow isn’t promised to any of us. If a Muslim in the UK dies without a valid will compliant with Islamic law, this is a calamity both for the deceased and for their family. Protect your family, your assets and your akhira today by making a will, under the guidance of qualified Islamic Scholars! – Don’t delay. the process is quick and simple. Click the link below to begin making your Islamic will today!

Download The Free PDF and Start Planning Your Islamic Will Today!

Complete the form below to begin planning your will today for free!

You may complete the required fields on the first section, then leave any other fields blank if you are unsure about them. We can assist you in completing them at a later date.

Your Full Name as stated on your birth certificate. Please also advise if you have changed your name by Deed Poll.
We might just need to update it with a codicil.
This may require Tax consideration if you are not domiciled in the UK.
We need to know which jurisdictions apply when making your Will.
In certain cases this will affect the order of inheritors and the amounts.
You may need additional tax advice which we will recommend to you when we speak with you.
You may be eligible for inheritance savings dependent on the status of your marriage in the UK.
Please advise of all spouses if more than 1.
Please advise them from eldest to youngest, male or female.
Please advise them from eldest to youngest, male or female.
Please advise them from eldest to youngest, male or female.
Please advise them from eldest to youngest, male or female.
We recommend you list a minimum of two and a backup executor. We also recommend you appoint an official person from Darul Arqam Educational Trust as a Trustee so they can assist your executors in the future. Please advise their full name, address, email. Please note they will not be contacted.
We recommend you list a minimum of two. Please advise their full name, address, email. Please note they will not be contacted.
The full address will help your Executors and Trustees perform their duties.
By listing these in the Will, it will help your Executors and Trustees perform their duties without having to search for these details in difficult times. We recommend you list them as follows: HSBC, Personal Debit Account, Sort Code 12 34 56 and Account Number 1234 5678
By listing these in the Will, it will help your Executors and Trustees perform their duties without having to search for these details in difficult times. We recommend you list them as follows: HSBC, Personal Debit Account, Sort Code 12 34 56 and Account Number 1234 5678
Please provide the provider, address, policy number.
Please provide the provider, address, reference number.
Please list the amount and its approximate worth.
You may need to seek tax advice before this can be put in action. We will advise you further.
Remember, you can donate up to one third of your estate and you can save overall inheritance tax when choosing to donate to a charity.
See the explanations of these gifts on page 19 of the Islamic Wills Planner.
Please let us know if you intend to donate to other charities.
Please list any tenancies, loans (commercial or private), mortgages, repayment plans, student loans and family loans in as much detail as possible.
We need to know if you would benefit from tax advice.
If you don’t have one, we can refer you to one.
Speed, timing, deadline.
Sometimes, we need to act extremely fast. Please let us know if this is the case
If you pass away abroad you may wish to buried back home or elsewhere.
You may be restricted in doing this according to local council regulations.
We recommend that you say yes so that any tax can be minimised, leaving more for your beneficiaries.
We recommend that you share something with your families as often this is a difficult grieving process
Is this UK property?
Are the sole or joint?
Are they sole or joint?
Who carries the benefit?
Are they digital investment providers?
Are they on finance?
What is the approximate value?
Do you have anything in storage?
Is this owned or leased?
Please provide the finance provider
Is this a private loan?
Deduct your liabilities from your assets
We recommend you list a minimum of two. Please advise their full name, address, email. Please note they will not be contacted.


Download our easy to use Islamic Will Planner, which makes the planning process of your will clear, quick and easy. Have a read through.


Complete the form, your Islamic Will Planner will be checked by qualified members of our team, who will contact you. Any question will be answered and clarified.


The will is signed and stored in a confidential location. You can contact us at anytime to update any relevant details.

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