Darul Arqam Educational Trust

13 Sha'ban 1446

Start Time:
Jamaat Time:

5:30 am
5:33 am
12:19 pm
12:22 pm
3:21 pm
3:24 pm
5:13 pm
5:16 pm
7:02 pm
7:05 pm

Sister’s Takeover

Day: Once A Month on Friday Evenings
Next Event: Friday 20th December
Time: 8pm
Price: Free
Location: Darul Arqam Educational Trust, Leicester, LE5 0TE
Open to: Sisters only
Age: Ladies only 14+
Tutor: Ustadah Munira
Current Topic: Rediscovering Ourselves

Sister’s Takeover!

Do you need a safe space to come to and just be?

Accompanied by light refreshments and aromatherapy!

This event is ladies only in order to provide a safe space for women to relax and socialise, we kindly request for children to remain at home, as no supervision or activities for children will be provided by the event organisers.

This is a free event, registration is not necessary.

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