Day: Every Sunday
Time: 11:30am-12:30pm
Price: £15 per month
Age: 7+
Location: Darul Arqam Educational Trust, 16 Thurmaston Lane, Leicester, LE5 0TE
Tutor: Ustadah Umme Zaid who is currently studying the recitation of Hafs Assim under the tutelage of Sheikh Anas al-Hebre (Teacher of the Ten Canonical Recitations).
Juz Amma Hifdh Club
Initiate your children into continuous memorisation of Qur’an beginning with Juz Amma!
Taught in a relaxed environment, through the traditional method of “Talqeen” connected to a chain of transmission, your child’s unique level and apitude will be taken into account. Teaching will be delivered face to face using fun ways of learning!
Homework will be set, parents will need to facilitate their chidren’s home study as an essential component of their learning.
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