Darul Arqam Educational Trust

13 Sha'ban 1446

Start Time:
Jamaat Time:

5:30 am
5:33 am
12:19 pm
12:22 pm
3:21 pm
3:24 pm
5:13 pm
5:16 pm
7:02 pm
7:05 pm

Let Your Heart Beat with The Dhikr of Allah

Darul Arqam has been providing family friendly segregated Dhikr gatherings for over 10 years. Dhikr now takes place in The Hidayah Hub, a stones throw from Darul Arqam’s Masjid. Facilities accommodate men, women and children. See below for Dhikr gatherings taking place, where you are welcome to come along!

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:
“When a group of people assemble for the dhikr of Allah, the angels surround them, (Allah’s) mercy envelops them, tranquillity descends upon them and Allah mentions them to those who are near Him.”

Dhikr Circles:

Days: Every Friday Evening
Location: Darul Arqam and Online
Open to: Brothers, Sisters and Children (segregated)

Days: Every Saturday Evening
Location: Darul Arqam and Online
Open to: Brothers, Sisters and Children (segregated)

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