Darul Arqam Educational Trust

14 Sha'ban 1446

Start Time:
Jamaat Time:

5:30 am
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Become Muslim

Once a person recognises that Allah is The One True God, that there is none like Him and that Muhammed ﷺ is His Final Prophet and Messenger, the only thing left to do is to affirm this through speech – this is done by reading The Testimony of Faith (Shahada). This can be done in private, however it is recommended to do-so in person, with someone to guide you, in order to ensure it is pronounced correct. New Muslims are welcome to bring along friends/family for support, or even to take their Shahada over the phone! In a private setting, we are here to make sure you are comfortable entering into islam and that you are not alone on your journey! You will be provided with a certificate to confirm your entry into The Faith of Islam.

New Muslim man Reading Qur'an

I bear witness that there is no God but God (Allah – i.e. there is none worthy of worship but Allah), and Muhammad ﷺ is the Messenger of Allah.”

New Muslim FAQ

A Muslim believes in Allah as The One and Only God, that there is none like Him and none worthy of worship except Him. Muslims also believe in The Prophet Muhammed ﷺ as the last and final Messenger of Allah. Muslims believe in The revealed word of God as the Qur’an, revealed to Muhammed ﷺ. If you believe in this, congratulations, you are already a Muslim! All that is left is to officialise your belief on your tongue to bear witness to your faith.

Simply by stating the testimony of faith (Shahada) one enters into Islam. This can be done in private however, it is best to do this with a few valid witnesses in order to make you entry into Islam official.

It is valid, as long as all the requirements were met. However, it is best to repeat it with witnesses and to ensure that all of the core Pillars of Faith which are essential for a Muslim to believe in have been accepted.

Yes, Darul Arqam has segregated facilities to accommodate women to be comfortable to enter the Mosque to become Muslim and to worship thereafter.

No, but it can be useful for when travelling to perform religious rights such as Pilgrimage (Hajj or Umrah). Therefore, when you take your shahada at Darul Arqam we do provide a certificate signed by witnesses.

It is useful to have one, as Mecca is only open to Muslims. Having the certificate with the signatures of your witnesses proves that you have become Muslim, even if your legal name is not typical of a Muslim.

The term “Convert to Islam” best describes someone who is Muslim but wasn’t originally a Muslim by faith in their adult life. The term “New Muslim” shouldn’t be applied to someone who has been Muslim for many years, it should only be applied to people who are new to the faith and in need of guidance to help them navigate their new faith. The term “revert” although popular is linguistically inaccurate, as it means go back to one’s previous religion. This can only be applied to someone who was once a Muslim, left Islam and then returned, which is not accurate for someone converting to Islam for the first time. Ultimately, we are all Muslims. Once a New Muslim has passed by the early stage of their journey, they should be treated as “Muslim” before anything else.

No. The Prophet Muhammed ﷺ changed the names of some of his companions when they had negative meanings which would be harmful to their faith. It is useful to look into the meaning of your name to find out its meaning if not already known, to find out if you are happy to keep your name!

As long as a person’s nakedness is covered and modesty is upheld as per Islamic law, there is no need to change the cultural style of your dress. Many convert Muslims enjoy adopting clothes from various cultures of Muslim countries around the world. Others seek to maintain their own culture, to keep their faith discreet. This is all a matter of personal preference and individual circumstances. Wearing what is widely considered as “Islamic dress” becomes more natural as time goes on.

Two members of Darul Arqam’s team will meet with you, either in the Mosque of over a video call. They will explain the pillars of belief in a short explanation and the meaning of The Shahada. Thereafter they will guide you through reading The Shahada a few words at a time, to help you to pronounce it accurately. You will be given or sent a certificate of your testimony of faith. After this, if you require support from a Muslim to learn to pray, we may biddy you up with someone who can teach you the basics of the faith, or refer you to a Convert support group we can recommend.

Darul Arqam adheres to and teaches mainstream Orthodox Islam (Sunni Islam). Anyone is welcome to attend Darul Arqam regardless of how they indentify themselves within Islam.

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